Products & Services

Here are a few of the products and services offered by Donna Kozik and Have a question? Want a book writing and publishing program customized for you? Contact us!

Write Your Book

The Original Write a Book in a Weekend®

The signature program of “My Big Business Card.” Write a short and powerful book following the fill-in-the-pages templates, including how-to/self-help, personal memoir or the fast and easy “quote book plus.” Play “Title Idol” on Saturday afternoon to nail your book’s moniker and discover what it takes to get your book published during Sunday’s “Publishing 101” training. Follow the leader and you will have a manuscript ready to upload and print on Sunday night!
Find out dates and more details here.

eBook in a Weekend
The eBook version of Write a Book in a Weekend® where it’s even easier as you write a short and powerful book to publish on Amazon’s Kindle or as a PDF giveaway to build your list. Follow the formulas to ready a “deep dive” ebook to introduce yourself and your topic to readers that will leave them wanting more—and contacting you to get it. Get all your questions answered during the prep and weekend live calls.
Find out dates and more details here.

The Community Book Project™
Ever want to be in an eBook you can share with others or point to on Amazon saying “I’m in that book!” Want to do some micro-writing about fun and interesting topics? Discover how to get a book “in a weekend” with “The Community Book Project,” where no author is left behind. Free to participate with “in app” purchases available for editing, promotion and other book-publishing prowess.
Get on the list for the next Community Book Project event here.

Publish Your Book

Done for You® Publishing
Once your book is written, time to get it published and share it with readers everywhere. If you have tons of time and patience, you can go the traditional route of seeking out an agent and publisher. If time is of the essence, though, self-publishing is the way to go (and keep all the money from sales)! Let this program do all the heavy-lifting for you with our US-based team members completing interior formatting, cover design and uploading to Amazon for you.

Find out more about publishing your book here.


My Big Breakthrough Session / Ask the Book Expert

Get one-on-one time to “pick Donna’s brain” with your book writing, publishing and promotion questions. Make a writing and publishing plan for yourself, let Donna help you pick between book topics or get feedback on your WIP (work-in-progress). Focus is for clients who are writing a book as a “big business card,” however, with more than 25 years of experience in writing and publishing, Donna can answer any of your book-related questions.

Get on Donna’s schedule here.